Reference: Tania Schafer @Wantima
Reconciliation Week
It’s been a mix of ups and downs, which has caused me to think about my Innovator Project and how relevant it is today.
Throughout Blak social media, mob are reminding us of the 400+ Aboriginal deaths since the Deaths in Custody report, the destruction of a 46,000 year old sacred site in WA by Rio Tinto and then we saw live the celebration of mob (also in WA) winning a 17 year long court battle against Twiggy Forrest and his mining company.
Reference: Kardi Kreations
Reconciliation can be seen as both a positive and a negative for Aboriginal peoples. This year has been the worst in terms of a total disregard for our culture, lore and language.
On the positive side, the final session for my 8 ways of Aboriginal Learning is this Tuesday. The deadly Ronnie Jordan from Culture on the Move has provided me with two weaving kits to give away to participants. See the flyer below. Contact Ronnie at to get yourself a pack.
Extra shout out to Kimiah at Wantok Designs for her deadly designs in the flyer and logo.
Reference: Culture on the Move, Wantok Designs